The preferred animal must adhere to the weight and breed standards established by the community.

Certain breeds, known for their aggressive tendencies, including mixed breeds, are restricted across all Fortified communities. The following breeds/mixes, considered aggressive, are not permitted:

Additionally, exotic pets such as snakes, rabbits, pigs, monkeys, and any venomous or poisonous reptiles or insects are not allowed. Pets cannot be left unattended outdoors, as it constitutes a lease violation and may lead to the loss of pet privileges. Immediate cleanup and disposal of pet waste are mandatory. Pet waste stations are installed throughout the community for your convenience. While pet waste stations are available, please ensure proper disposal in the designated dumpster. Failure to dispose of waste correctly may result in the loss of pet privileges.

*Exceptions are made for service animals with appropriate documentation, regardless of breed. Emotional support animals (ESAs) with proper documentation are also accepted, subject to review, and breed restrictions do not apply in these cases